From the Principal’s Desk


The celebrated Irish Poet W.B. Yeats said: “Education is not the filling of a bucket, but lighting of a fire.” Indeed, the aim of education cannot be merely to fill in a student’s brain with memorized materials only. Such a young man or woman may be incapable of creative thinking when he or she is face to face with new challenges of life.

A School is, and should be, a ‘world in miniature’, and it is where a student should receive ‘training for life’ and be equipped with various skills to make him or her capable of accepting and meeting the challenges that life has to offer. Our aim in HRD Academy is to inculcate in our young learners skills necessary in meeting the challenges of life a global perspective.

Our effort is to nurture the talents, skills and abilities of the individual students and provide them a platform to think, express and enhance their inherent abilities so that they will grow to be individuals ready for life’s journey.

The school motto ‘Be Good, Do Good’ says it all. Our major thrust is ‘academic excellence’, but with that our endeavour is to make the young boys and girls human beings who are socially relevant. The members of the Managing Committee, our team of dedicated teachers, and every member of the HRDA family channelize their effort and energy to attain this noble goal.